Add Titles to each column, or leave blank for no title.
Column Titles appear as H3’s at the top of your column.
The placeholder titles, “No Column Title”, will never show on the front-end.
Reorder Columns horizontally by clicking & dragging the “gripper” in the top left.
Appears on layouts with 2 or more Columns
Adjust Column widths by clicking & dragging the bar between Columns.
This is available on 2 and 3 column layouts only.
An Offset adds blank space to the left of a Column.
Select the desired amount of Offset from the dropdown on each Column.
Once selected, the Offset is visually represented by a grey stripe pattern on the left side of your column.
Offsets are limited by the number of Columns in your Section, ie: a 1 Column layout can be Offset the most but a 4 Column layout does not allow for any Offset.
Media & Background Images
Add a background image to a single Column or an entire Section.
Set Background Image links, located under More Options, will open the WordPress media selector.
Select or upload media and click Select Background to set.
Once set, a thumbnail of your selection will appear.
To edit, click anywhere on the image thumbnail to reopen the media selector.
To remove, click the X icon in the top right corner of the thumbnail.
All Column content editors allow for the same features as the main WordPress Content area.
Add Media or Media Gallery.
Add a Form.
Visual Editor text formatting
Text editor code shortcuts
Advanced Options
CSS Class allows you to add custom selectors for styling purposes.
Add a class to either a single Column or an entire Section.
This works well with WordPress 4.7 css customizer or other CSS Customizer Plugins.
Collapse Padding will remove the space around each Column and the Section.
Check off this option to apply per Section.
Equalize calculates which Column in your Section is the tallest and matches the other Columns to that height.
Check off this option to apply per Section.
Push/Pull is a responsive option that reverses the order in which Column content appears on desktop (in the admin my columns would be ordered 1, 2 but on the front-end they would be reversed to 2, 1). On mobile this reverts to the normal order so it seems as if the right column stacks on top of the left