Fixed bug causing ‘Show Title’ checkbox to not work correctly
Minor Code Climate configuration changes.
Minor formatting changes for markdown linting.
Written by Aaron Ware
This is a point release that focuses on a few bugs that were brought to our attention on our github issue tracker. @maxinacube also made some changes related to future template customizations.
New Features
Added do_action hooks to Mesh templates for even more extendability (before/after section, before/after row)
Include data-interchange in Mesh allowed HTML on section elements
Fixed up some undefined indexes for css_class and push_pull
Include form elements in Mesh allowed HTML and loosen some sanitization
Written by Aaron Ware
New Features
Added support for Yoast SEO page analysis.
Added support for scripts within urls within TinyMCE.
Added support for duplicating sections of a post using “Duplicate Post” Plugin
Added support for duplicating sections of a post using “Post Duplicator” Plugin
Controls within Sections and Columns/Blocks are now extendable for developers with the filters mesh_section_controls and mesh_block_controls
First implementation of block caching layer.
First time users will now have an improved onboarding process.
Existing users will now be presented with a notification to view “What’s new”
WordPress Coding Coding Standards
Improved build process.
Improved code analysis process within codeclimate
Remove trailing whitespace from row class
Remove checks for equalizer in the 1 column template
Fixed a bug where reordering would stop that section from working properly until refresh.
Fixed a bug where collapsed sections could not be toggled open after a new section was added
Fixed a bug when excluding Mesh template related taxonomies from the generated sitemap
Fixed a bug where section and block background images were displayed before “update” / “publish”
More security hardening for potential XSS and CSRF.
Fixed a bug where trashing unused blocks was more aggressive than it should be. Simma down nah.
Fixed a pesky bug what would delete your content if you changed column count before saving.
A bunch of little things under the hood you probably won’t notice
Written by Aaron Ware
Confirmed 4.8 compatibility
Fix for issue within “content” being replaced when it shouldn’t be
Fix for duplicated sections not applying the proper date.
Written by Aaron Ware
Setup Code Climate and Code Climate test coverage reporting
Include in Grunt build
Introduce a file
Added a .travis.yml file to automate our unit tests
Added addtextdomain task to the Grunt configuration
Added JSON files to Code Climate grading
Added node_modules folder to the .gitignore
Update unit test install scripts
Changed esc_attr_e() and esc_html_() calls to echo esc_attr() and echo esc_html() when containing a variable
Remove makepot task from the Grunt configuration
Exclude the Michelf library from Code Climate scanning
Remove languages folder
Replace Michelf library with Parsedown
Fixed undefined index foundation_version
Fixed bug for .row max-width being set to rem-calc(1200)
Fixed issue within visual editors within blocks; the html was being saved instead of the raw data; wpautop filter should still be applied if available
Hot fix bug with Foundation interchange conflict
Fixed PHP warnings when retrieving mesh_post_types when it is not yet set
Written by Aaron Ware
Added ability to filter mesh_tiny_mce_before_init to allow even more extended option filtering
Added default support for interchange using Mesh even if your theme isn’t built on Foundation
Added actions mesh_section_add_before_misc_actions and mesh_section_add_misc_actions for more customization
Added ability to preview sections that are not published yet
Updated templates to default to “starter” mesh_template_type taxonomy term
Fixed equalize options should not show if the section is only 1 column wide.
Fixed some minor typos
Fixed minor display issue that occurred when removing all Mesh sections on a post
Written by Aaron Ware
Window will now scroll to the newest block when adding a new section
Fixed selected/upload background images were not displaying within admin until refresh
Fixed Mesh Template order consistently when closing
Fixed Block resizing was broken in some instances
Fixed Mesh titles displaying outside of their container if the title is too long
Written by Aaron Ware
Added exclusion for Mesh Template taxonomies when using WordPress / Yoast SEO
Added the ability to select which version of Foundation your theme is using (Defaults to Foundation 5)
Added mesh-background custom image size (1920 x 1080) by default
Added filters to define what images sizes will be used by interchange
Fixed interchange on section and block background images