
The `mesh_allowed_html` filter is used to sanitize content within mesh sections. If you have the need to override the base set of html you can easily filter the content accordingly. `mesh_allowed_html` builds on top of `wp_kses_allowed_html( ‘post’ );`

Default Usage

	$mesh_allowed = apply_filters( 'mesh_default_allowed_html', array(
		'iframe' => array(
			'src' => true,
			'style' => true,
			'id' => true,
			'class' => true,
			'name' => true,
			'allowfullscreen' => true,
			'msallowfullscreen' => true,
			'mozallowfullscreen' => true,
			'webkitallowfullscreen' => true,
			'oallowfullscreen' => true,
			'allowtransparency' => true,
			'frameborder' => true,
			'scrolling' => true,
			'width' => true,
			'height' => true,
		'script' => array(
			'src' => true,
		'div' => array(
			'data-equalizer' => true,
			'data-equalizer-watch' => true,
			'data-interchange' => true,
			'data-lp-equal' => true,
			'data-lp-equal-items' => true,
			'data-lp-equal-children' => true,
		'span' => array(
			'class' => true,
			'style' => true,
			'id'    => true,
			'data-equalizer' => true,
			'data-equalizer-watch' => true,
			'data-interchange' => true,
			'data-lp-equal' => true,
			'data-lp-equal-items' => true,
			'data-lp-equal-children' => true,
	) );

	$post_allowed = wp_kses_allowed_html( 'post' );

	return apply_filters( 'mesh_allowed_html', array_merge_recursive( $post_allowed, $mesh_allowed ) );

Example Usage

Allow an anchor tag to have a custom attribute.

function rebar_allowed_html( $allowed_html ) {
	$allowed_html['a']['custom-attribute'] = true;
	return $allowed_html;

add_filter( 'mesh_allowed_html', rebar_allowed_html, 10, 1 );