When you first arrive to a new page, you will see a message saying you have no Sections. Click the Add a Section button to add your first Section.
New Sections, by default, are 1 Column and set as Drafts.
Section Titles will display as an H2 before your other content (Placeholder titles, ie. “No Section Title”, will never display on the front-end).
It is recommended that you give all Sections a Title so when collapsed you know what the section’s content is. If you don’t want the title to display simply uncheck “Display Title”.
Select your desired column layout (1 – 4) from the Columns drop down and you will see that many content editors populate into your Section.
Your Section will remain a Draft until Published.
If you Publish a Section and need to hide it again you can revert it back to a Draft.
Delete any unwanted Sections by clicking Remove
Add as many Sections as you need per page using the Add Section button in the top and bottom bar.
Easily Expand and Collapse all Sections with the options in the top and bottom bar or toggle each Section separately with the arrows on the top right of each Section.
Reorder your Sections vertically by selecting Reorder Sections in the top or bottom bar. This collapses all your sections so you can then drag and drop in the desired order. Click Save Order once you are satisfied with your new arrangement.